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What we’re reading in diabetes and obesity, including new books and recently published scientific studies. 

An international consensus was published on World Diabetes Day in the Lancet on bringing an end to diabetes stigma and discrimination. Join the global movement and sign...
Manage diabetes to prevent nerve damage in hands and feet. Learn the connection between diabetes and neuropathy and ways to lower your risk.
Diabetes puts you at risk of liver disease. Learn about the relationship between type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), complications like NASH...
Manage diabetes better with the latest ADA standards for glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Discuss your targets with your healthcare team for personalized care.
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Hope Warshaw interviewed Dr. Martin Abrahamson and Dr. Sanjiv Chopra about their new self-published book, Conquer Your Diabetes: Prevention – Control – Remission. Her...
“Why We Sleep” is one of the most important health books ever written! How does sleep relate to blood sugars, eating, weight gain, and mindset? Plus, 16 ways to improve...
We recently had the opportunity to watch a compelling documentary titled The Science of Inspiration, which chronicles the journeys of the twelve members of the inaugural...
Where are we today in the quest for a cure?
The American Diabetes Association is putting out an expanded third edition of their helpful book The Uncomplicated Guide to Diabetes Complications. In addition to advice...
Dan Hurley gives a passionate assessment of the rise of diabetes in his book, Diabetes Rising .
On May 14, HBO premiered its four-part documentary series on obesity, The Weight of the Nation . Each part – entitled “Consequences,” “Choices,” “Children in Crisis,”...
This article presciently reviews what we know about tight control - how many people with diabetes in the U.S. are getting there, and what it means for complications...
How Long Will We Have To Wait? about the book Every person touched by diabetes wants to know when there will be a cure. A lot of work is going on, but what are the...
The "Resource Guide" is special supplement to Diabetes Forecast that comes out every year and features comments on and comparisons of all the available products for...
This quick-reading, constructive book will serve you well in devising or refining your diabetes game plan.
What was it like when you were diagnosed with diabetes? A Sweet Life’s Jessica Apple details a new collection of stories.
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s incredible journey with type 1 diabetes.
Why Targeting a Cure has been such a deeply personal endeavor for Kelly.
Where are we on the road to curing type 1 diabetes? Read about our eBook with the American Diabetes Association, with great inspiration from JDRF and the Helmsley...
