Can Telehealth Help Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Improve A1C and Emotional Well-Being?
By Matthew Garza
By Matthew Garza
The REAL-T clinical trial is currently recruiting – it will provide lifestyle-based telehealth support to young adults with type 1 diabetes to see if it helps improve their diabetes management and overall well-being
Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT04023487
Trial name: Evaluation of an Intervention for Young Adults with Diabetes: Resilient, Empowered, Active Living – Telehealth (REAL-T)
Diabetes type: Type 1
What the trial is testing: The study will evaluate REAL-T, a lifestyle-based diabetes self-care program for young adults, delivered through telehealth. REAL-T is designed to help people manage blood glucose levels and improve their overall well-being and will include videoconferencing to discuss each individual’s challenges and goals for their diabetes. The researchers are asking whether improvements in diabetes self-care behaviors lead to positive effects on blood sugar management and emotional well-being. Finally, the trial will test whether outcomes from the six-month program last beyond its completion.
What the trial is measuring: Participants in the trial will be evenly split into two groups: the intervention group will receive the REAL-T therapy, and the control group will receive their usual care. After six months, all participants will return to their usual diabetes care for another six months of follow up.
During both the six-month trial and the six-month follow-up periods, researchers will examine participants’ A1C levels and time spent in-range (70-180 mg/dl, measured with a Libre Pro continuous glucose monitor). They will also measure participants’ mental and emotional well-being, and quality of life, through self-reported surveys.
Why is this new/important? For many young adults with diabetes, it can be hard to manage care while also trying to balance the time and energy required for school, work, family, friends, and more. The REAL-T is testing a new lifestyle-based telehealth program to help young people learn to manage their diabetes more effectively and improve their mental and emotional well-being.
Trial length: 12 months
Trial location: USC Center for Health Professionals, Los Angeles, United States 90033
Are you interested? The trial is enrolling individuals now! You may be eligible to join the study if you are:
18-30 years old
Live in California
Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for at least twelve months
Have an A1C of 7.5% or higher
Willing to participate in the six-month intervention program
Willing to complete data collection in person or via mail
Have access to a laptop or desktop computer (a loaned laptop from the study may be available)
For more information: contact Dr. Elizabeth A Pyatak at 323-442-2615 or, or Dr. Jeanine Blanchard at 323-442-1827 or